Should Marketers Be Shaping Kids' Lifetime Habits?
Marketers may use manipulative techniques to increase brand loyalty. Use this video and resources below to protect yourself and your family.
Make the Most from Senior Citizens' Month!
If you are a senior, it’s a perfect month for you to save a lot of money. But it’s easy to get scammed, too. Begin by watching this video and then dig into the resources below!
Are "Free" Apps Ever Free?
The general consensus: if an app is free, you are the product! Meaning: your data will be sold and your privacy is out the window.
Why Do Scammers Love Senior Citizens?
Happy older Americans month! In order to keep it a happy month, make sure you avoid senior citizen scams, this month or any other time...
Are You a Prey for Credit Repair Scams?
You may be at risk to fall prey to credit repair scams. This video will help you recognize the good helpers from the scammers.
Stop iPhones from Spying on Kids
Marketers start targeting kids at age 0! And hundreds of kids apps are selling data to marketers right now. If you care about a kid check out this video.
Are Safe Driving Apps...SAFE?!?!?
Phones and traffic don't mix. But do safe driving apps help, or do they hurt?
Are Deepfake Videos Impacting You?
Deepfakes are mischievous and misleading, most of the time. Have you spotted one yet, or worse, fallen for one?
How Credible Are Marketers' Claims?
See all those wonderful promises in ads, what's not to like? Just click and buy... That's exactly what marketers want you to do. But whether it is a smart move...
Ever Heard of Malvertising?
They're malicious ads in search engine results! Chances are, this is impacting you without you knowing it!