Why Martian Kids Absolutely Know More About Money Than Your Kids

- Ever heard about any Martian making a bad money decision?
- Or a Martian kid building poor lifetime money habits?
Of course not.
Martians, as far as we know, don't have marketing messages targeted at their kids day and night. Your kids are targeted.
Shouldn't you—not marketers—be teaching your kids money habits that will impact their whole lives?
Of course!
That's why we are unrolling simple tips you can start using with your kids right this minute.
Learn How to Teach Your Kids Money Habits
We give you one tip a week, starting today!
So, what are you waiting for? Below is the first tip.
If you like what you and your kids learn, leave your email address and we'll email you when the next tip is live.
Ready? Watch this video on teaching your kids money habits first!
Then watch this video on recognizing and fighting impulse buying.
Learning anything? Watch this video on how to talk to your kids about advertising.
Here is how "paid" kids are manipulating kids like yours.
Additional Resources:
The biggest and most sophisticated marketers are flocking Social Media influencers. Here's a good summary story: Online and Making Thousands, at Age 4: Meet the Kid Influencers
Social Media influencers: How it Can Impact Your Kids' Health.
The FTC's comments and video on How to Question Social Media Influencers
Here's what your kids are facing! A look at some leading social media influencers:
Are you teaching your kids bad money habits?
FoolProof thanks the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood for their excellent help on this project. Check out their resources.