Up to 22 hours of online, video-driven, self-grading financial literacy instruction designed specifically for use by middle and high schools.
FoolProof Solo is a financial literacy program designed specifically for use by individuals, colleges and universities.
FoolProof for Parents is a great tool for kids to get ahead in life and works perfect as a tool for homeschooling.
28% of GMI (0.28 x GMI)
36% of GMI (0.36 x GMI)
28% GMI figure minus debt service
36% GMI figure minus debt service
Electricity, water, natural gas, phones, fuel oil, etc.
GMI minus monthly expenses
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At foolproofoklahoma.org, we'll continue providing the same FREE FoolProof resources and curricula that you've come to know and trust.
We want to say a big thank you to TTCU for their support over the last decade.
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