Are You a Sucker for Student Loans?
There's a chance (some say a good chance) that in the near future, student loans will be forgiven and universities will be free for all students. That…

Basic Budgeting 101
Are you living right up to your income? Going a bit beyond your income to make ends meet—running up credit card debt or dipping into savings? If…

Campus Cards
In college, or going there soon? Here's a rundown on the “Campus Card” many schools provide students.

Can You Flourish in a Gig Economy?
I'm sure you've heard of the term "gig economy", but do you know what it is? Or—perhaps more importantly—how it may impact you and your (f…

Dorm Insurance. Do You Need It?
College students have lots of stuff. Laptops, smartphones, other digital devices, sports gear, music instruments, and much more. So, does their stuff …

Ever Considered a Two-Year Community College or Four-Year State University?
Didn't make it to your dream university this fall? Excellent!
Jealous that your friends are heading to that fancy out-of-state University? Forget it…

Ever Considered a Two-Year Community College or Four-Year State University?
Didn't make it to your dream university this fall? Excellent!
Jealous that your friends are heading to that fancy out-of-state University? Forget it…

Financing Higher Education
It's never too early or too late to start planning for your children's education after high school. The earlier you adopt a savings plan, the more opt…

Financing Higher Education—Checking Out Education Loans
The cost of post-secondary education—college, university, community college or career or trade schools—continues to rise. But pursuing hig…

FoolProof's Top 238 Money Mistakes to Avoid in College
If we wanted to, we could probably come up with hundreds of ways college students throw away money. I know. I made a lot of mistakes when I was younge…

Guía de Préstamos Estudiantiles
Guía de Préstamos Estudiantiles
43 Millones de Estadounidenses Están Lidiando con Préstamos Estudiantiles
¿Eres uno? ¿Lo sobrellevas o e…

Have Student Loan Debt? Six Tips to Pay It Off Faster
Debt from student loans for higher education is now the largest category of debt in the U.S. As of July 2022, borrowers owed a cumulative total debt o…

Innovative Ways of Cutting Debt
Do you owe money on student loans, credit cards or a mortgage? This video can show you ways to free up money to help cut down on your debt.

Is College Worth It?
College is expensive! But the cost generally do weigh up to the increased prospects for your (financial) life. This video will help you find ways to…

Options for Managing Your Student Loans
Whether you're just starting to repay your loans, you've been paying off your student loans for a while, or you're a parent paying off student loans, …

Presupuesto Básico 101
¿Estás viviendo a la altura de tus ingresos? ¿Yendo un poco más allá de tus ingresos para llegar a fin de mes, acumulando deudas en la tarjeta de…

Should You Get a Student Loan?
We're here to help you answer that question, and help figure out all the details around paying for college. Start with this video and then work thro…

Skillfully Navigating Student Loans
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of student loans? I hope it's the word "debt."
College can be an important component to yo…

Struggling with Student Loan Debt?
Are you thinking about defaulting? That could be a disastrous move! So what should you do? Here are a few options.

The Cost of College
Getting an excellent college education doesn't have to break you financially. Think outside the box, and think close to home, and you'll be the one …
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